Students Get iPads

students with an iPadI imagine this fall we should be seeing many students using iPads – and many because their school is providing them. This eventuality will come with controversy as there are still many school personnel that do not believe giving students a laptop – or an iPad – will improve learning.

If the teaching methods employed in schools do not change I would tend to agree with this. Just giving students a tool like an iPad will not solve any of the issues related to student engagement and student achievement. Sure there may be some short term novelty but that novelty will wear off – unless something uniquely different happens in the experience of the teacher and in the experience of the students.

For instance, in typical teaching environments where students have access to computers, schools have installed monitoring software to be sure students are following along and not doing other things. In these types of environments the iPad will present a similar challenge. In order to insure students are doing productive things on the device the way they are used in the learning experience will have to be compelling, interesting, and relevant to the learner. And, maybe the need to control everything the student does is part of the problem?

The other thing is what I mentioned in a previous post. The iPad is a consumption device and that creates a problem for schools – as many of the leading schools know they must transition to getting students to be producers and not just consumers.

In a recent ABC News article (June 16th) several schools have announced giving 6th graders (6th and 7th graders in one case) iPads in the fall when school semesters begin again. I imagine, and I hope, these schools would be on leading edge of understanding that just replacing text books and traditional tools with a digital version will likely add little value. The opportunity in these schools is to explore and discover new ways of teaching and learning.

No matter what, the tide has turned, and we will continue to see more and more students carrying iPads at school starting this fall!

From the ABC News article: Coming this fall every 6th grader at Sacramento Country Day School in California, a private school, will receive an iPad at no extra cost to parents. From the headmaster,

“There are hundreds and hundreds of educational apps for the iPad,” he said. “We found that there are so many [that] we felt there was a tremendous opportunity to bridge the gap between the traditional pen and paper and textbook and laptop.”

More from the article and the headmaster:

Students will use the sleek tablets to develop reports, conduct research, read e-books and study. For example, using a flash card application, they could study for tests. They could also hook up the iPad to a projector and easily share a multimedia presentation with the class, he said.

The article also says another school in Wisconsin plans on giving 6th and 7th graders iPads this fall and plans on having all students and teachers from 6th grade through 12th grade using iPads instead of text books by 2012.

The local Racine newspaper published an article both praising the school and warning that being on the leading edge could have some unseen costs – since no one has used iPads under school conditions to date there is little known about how they will hold up.

The ABC News Article: Apple’s iPad Joins the 6th Grade: A Novelty or the Next Big Idea? Schools Embrace iPad as a Teaching Tool, But Some Educators Say It’s Limited

iPad, iFad, iWait – the Journal Times Article

Will iPad Replace Text Books?

One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog is because I feel pretty strongly that the iPad is a game changer when it comes to schools and the experience of accessing information. Think about it. In the past most of us had to go to the library to access any kind of additional resources beyond our text books. And there were special classes set up to teach young people how to use the library and to access resource materials.

Today, with the iPad, a young person can have access to anything they need – at their finger tips!

Will the iPad replace text books?

I believe they will – unequivocally! The iPad and other tablet like devices will definitely replace text books.

Here’s an article about a school in Santa Cruz, CA where they have purchased 60 – 16gb iPads to replace history books (obviously they replace more than history books but that’s the experiment).

California School Introduces iPad into the Classroom

The article says the iPad is 1/3 the cost (which I don’t fully understand yet – since if that’s true there will be no reason this wouldn’t be happening everywhere!). The school also says,

“There are so many academic advantages. They provide new access to photos, videos, daily newspapers and resource material that enhance the curriculum”, he says.

The Sentinel reports how English teacher Marcus Schwager taught his students to look up the meaning and pronunciation of unfamiliar words in Shakespeare’s The Tempest on the iPad with just a tap, and Science teacher Cynthia Armstrong showed her class an interactive display of a cutaway view of the female body, zooming in when necessary. All of the teachers involved in the pilot scheme expressed their excitement and enthusiasm for the many benefits that the iPad has to offer as a teaching tool. The students were just as impressed, as you might expect, with 15-year-old sophomore student Alyssa Villanueva saying that in comparison to a text book, the iPad is “a little easier to use. You can really focus on where you’re studying.”

Here’s a youtube video by someone expressing the same sentiment. He believes the iPad will replace text books!

What do you think?

Will the iPad Change What Happens in Schools?

iPadSo what’s the big deal? Why do I think the iPad will be revolutionary in terms of learning? Why do I predict iPads will be in schools?

In some ways the answer to this question simply requires us to think about what young people have been complaining about for years (in fact, if you are entrepreneurial, complaints are a huge source of ideas for breakthrough and innovative products). What do you hear your children complain about?

One of the complaints I’ve heard for years is that school is boring – or the other way of saying it, “school isn’t very much fun.” On the other end of the spectrum I’ve been hearing complaints about textbooks and how heavy they are (and how many young people have to carry around in their book bags and backpacks).

The iPad (or something like it) addresses both of these complaints.

First, it’s novel and new – and that creates interest. That novelty may wear off (we’ll have to see) but because the device is  a really nice form factor for cool software, if software developers do what they are likely to do there can possibly always be new and interesting things to do with the device.

Novelty creates interest but so does interactivity – and interactivity that young people are interested in. Because of the nature of the iPad and the apps that run on it, developers can create an infinite number of interactive and interesting ways to engage users in their content. We know there are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners – and we know the current mediums that are used to transmit information today – text, sound, pictures, and movies (including animation). Just as computers have been going through a non-stop evolution of computing power, battery life, component design (getting smaller and smaller and more powerful), software has been going through a non-stop evolution in it’s sophistication. Software applications run many, if not most, of our lives today (especially if we include the software that is creeping into our cars as well as more and more appliances.

It just takes a short time to discover how this non-stop evolution has been taking place in learning software and gaming. Sure most video games have components in them that adults may not feel are learning oriented but the game is teaching whether we like it or not. AND those game designers that have made games that are highly interactive and purposefully focused on exploration, discover, and learning, know the power in this medium. And software designers that specifically develop learning software haven’t stopped improving their offerings either. We would be hard pressed to find a subject that doesn’t have learning software focused on it.

To address the complaint mentioned above about textbooks directly, it’s pretty compelling to think about a 1.5 pound (or less) device that can store 1000s of book and actually be easy and fun to use. If textbooks take the leap and become digital they can be constantly updated AND they can incorporate other mediums in addition to text. The multi-media (or rich media) text book surely has the potential to change the way teachers teach and young people learn.

The following quote coming from a technology web site predicts that students will be one of four major groups that fuel the growth and success of the iPad (the other three being mobile professionals, regular computer users, and software developers).

Students (if the textbook publishers get on board)

We can’t ignore the iPad as an e-reader. These devices have existed for a long time, but only gained wide popularity with the relatively recent release of Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook. Of course, the iPad has the iBooks app and iBookstore. So what’s its distinct advantage?

It’s this: Whoever does textbooks right will win the e-book market, and Apple is very close. Here’s why.

Students are on a fixed budget, and e-books are typically cheaper than their paper-based counterparts. Also, consider all of the money publishers lose when students buy used books from the campus bookstores. Additionally, Apple can distribute textbooks through iTunes U — an established and proven system that students, faculty and staff already know how to use.

Suddenly the iPad is a device that follows a student from his/her freshman year of high school all the way through graduate school. Why buy a laptop when every student has a device that can be a textbook, reference tool, Internet appliance and whatever else the imaginations of developers can dream up?


Finally, if have the fact of the user interface – the touch screen – and the likelihood that touch screen computing is likely to be here for good. In the following, it predicts within five years more than 50% of young people under the age of 15 will be using touchscreen computers.

“What we’re going to see is the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises,” said Leslie Fiering, research vice president at Gartner. “By 2015, we expect more than 50 percent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 will have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 percent in 2009. On the other hand, we are predicting that fewer than 10 percent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 for mainstream knowledge workers will have touchscreens.”

From the same article:

As prices drop, education will become a major market for touch and pen-enabled devices. Younger children just entering school find direct manipulation on the screen a natural way to interact with their computers. Older students are already using pen input to annotate class material or capture formulae and graphics that can’t be recorded with keyboards (for math, chemistry and physics classes, among others). However, most school districts do not want to support two separate devices – one for touch and another for pen. To deal with the differing requirements of the different grades, most districts are looking for dual-input screens that support both touch and pen in a single device.

“Consensus among the Gartner client U.S. school districts is that over half, and possibly as many as 75 percent, will be specifying touch and/or pen input within the next five years,” said Ms. Fiering. “Consider this as the precursor to a major upcoming generational shift in how users relate to their computing devices.”


Any school that isn’t thinking about using the iPad or a device like it, is likely going to find itself in a more and more challenging position if 50% of their students are using devices like this and they aren’t.

SO we’ve taken care of the weight, potentially addressed interest and interactivity. We haven’t even mentioned the idea that students themselves will be developing applications for devices like this! That will only add additional fuel to the revolution.

NOTE: Both of the articles quoted here are from business publications/websites.

Is the iPad the Future?

The iPad has just been released and has only been in consumer’s hands for 3 days. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more and more articles about what the iPad means to the future – the future of computers, the future of the magazine and newspaper industry, the future of books, and the future of learning (to name a few).

Here’s another article, written before the iPad was released, that articulates how the iPad is the future – and changes everything. Here’s a brief excerpt from the article:

The entire world is not going to run just on tablets, just like the world doesn’t run only on smartphones and personal computers now. But Steve Jobs’ Next Big Thing is the first computer that requires no training whatsoever, one that is truly accessible and useful for everyone. Just like the iPhone changed the idea of what a phone should be without anyone truly realizing it, Apple’s new computer will completely and permanently change our idea of what a computer is and how it should behave.

The article goes on to discuss how the current computer has possibly run it’s course. The operating systems, applications, the desktop metaphor, etc. have all been developed over decades of evolution.

Here’s another excerpt from the article:

Even myself—a tech-oriented person who depends on keyboards and specialized software like Photoshop—will do it. I will because I find myself doing more and more things on my iPhone, and less in my computer, even while I’m in front of my notebook or desktop. I use my phone to update Twitter or Facebook, to check eBay, consult bank accounts, tune a ukulele, play quick games with friends, play music, check the weather, pick up a movie and buy tickets, plan my trip across the city using public transportation, select a bar or a restaurant after the movie, and, when I arrive at the bar, name the tune that is playing. I can keep a schedule, quickly contact anyone, take a photo and sort through old ones, play any song at hand, store travel itineraries, bring up information about tides and waves for surfing, quickly pick a recipe and make a shopping list, or record a voice memo.

The list of tasks is endless. Even while smartphones are limited by small screens, they have become the absolute center of the digital lives of many normal people. Unknowingly, the iPhone invasion started the transition to this new computing era.

I apologize in advance if the graphic at the top if offensive to anyone. I took it from the article mentioned above.