Entering data about an excavated basin rim into FMTouch. Its lack of moving parts makes iPad preferable to laptops in the trenches, where dirt finds its way into keyboards, ports, and screen hinges.
As more and more iPads find their way into work environments – both in the office and out – it is likely their use will highlight some of the value teachers and school officials may find in adopting the iPad for school settings.
Apple has a number of great examples on their web site of iPad changing the way people do business. In this one example – Discovering Ancient Pompeii with iPad – they highlight how the iPad is revolutionizing how scientists work in the field. Rather than recording notes and sketches on paper, researchers at the site use iPad and apps to capture invaluable historical data faster, more easily, and with far better accuracy.
Imagine how this kind of application can be applied in school settings. Not only does this change the dynamic in the classroom but it also untethers the learning from inside the classroom and allows students and teachers the option of taking the learning outside – into the community. Doesn’t that make sense? Isn’t that the kind of learning we would imagine for our children?
I’m excited about this kind of possibility!
The applications mentioned in this article are:
- FMTouch
- The Photos Application
- iDraw
- Pages – Apple Inc.
- OmniGraffle
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